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Domanda Damage Step

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JerryFagiolo View Drop Down
Drago Nero Occhi Rossi
Drago Nero Occhi Rossi

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  Quota JerryFagiolo Quota  RispondiRispondi Link diretto a questo post Topic: Domanda Damage Step
    Postato: 18 Marzo 2009 alle 09:41
Piccolo aggiornamento riguardo questa faccenda.

Ho postato il "problema" Honest sul forum ufficiale UDE Italia ed è quasi scoppiato il caso :P
Come immaginavo, la maggior parte dei judge fa valere la regola della catena unica in damage step, mentre pochi "ribelli" fanno valere la regola delle catene multiple... direi che è un post che vale la pena seguire per vedere come va a finire. :)

Ecco il link
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kibou View Drop Down
Drago Bianco Occhi Blu
Drago Bianco Occhi Blu

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  Quota kibou Quota  RispondiRispondi Link diretto a questo post Postato: 18 Marzo 2009 alle 10:13
Tra l'altro come ci regoliamo col Calcolo dei Danni?
In quella fase gli Honest vanno nella "unica" catena o posso aprirne anche lì svariate?
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JerryFagiolo View Drop Down
Drago Nero Occhi Rossi
Drago Nero Occhi Rossi

Iscritto dal : 29 Marzo 2008
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  Quota JerryFagiolo Quota  RispondiRispondi Link diretto a questo post Postato: 18 Marzo 2009 alle 11:06
Postato originariamente da kibou

Tra l'altro come ci regoliamo col Calcolo dei Danni?
In quella fase gli Honest vanno nella "unica" catena o posso aprirne anche lì svariate?

ma che ne so qua non si capisce niente...

PRESUMO che se il judge decide "catena unica" allora è come si è sempre fatto... se invece è un judge d'avanguardia:D devi dichiarare in quale substep attivarlo
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kibou View Drop Down
Drago Bianco Occhi Blu
Drago Bianco Occhi Blu

Iscritto dal : 22 Settembre 2004
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  Quota kibou Quota  RispondiRispondi Link diretto a questo post Postato: 18 Marzo 2009 alle 12:10
Chiaramente nel secondo caso iL 3° substep (Calcolo dei Danni) è l'ultimo in cui si può attivare Honest, giusto?
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Drazhar View Drop Down
Mago Nero
Mago Nero
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  Quota Drazhar Quota  RispondiRispondi Link diretto a questo post Postato: 18 Marzo 2009 alle 12:17
Stop using the word "opinion" to mean that I'm not allowed to explain why you're wrong
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kibou View Drop Down
Drago Bianco Occhi Blu
Drago Bianco Occhi Blu

Iscritto dal : 22 Settembre 2004
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  Quota kibou Quota  RispondiRispondi Link diretto a questo post Postato: 18 Marzo 2009 alle 14:28
Postato originariamente da JerryFagiolo

Postato originariamente da kibou

Tra l'altro come ci regoliamo col Calcolo dei Danni?
In quella fase gli Honest vanno nella "unica" catena o posso aprirne anche lì svariate?

ma che ne so qua non si capisce niente...

PRESUMO che se il judge decide "catena unica" allora è come si è sempre fatto... se invece è un judge d'avanguardia:D devi dichiarare in quale substep attivarlo

Mi sono esposto male... volevo dire: anche nel substep del Calcolo dei Danni posso aprire nuove catene, teoricamente?
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Drago Bianco Occhi Blu
Drago Bianco Occhi Blu

Iscritto dal : 21 Settembre 2005
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  Quota edicolante Quota  RispondiRispondi Link diretto a questo post Postato: 18 Marzo 2009 alle 16:00
Scusate ma, considerati i casini che crea, anzichè Honest perchè non lo chiamiamo Fottut Bastard?

Mi spiegate com'è la storia delle "catene multiple" in damage step?????
cerco/scambio   Mod dal (post) 1840 al 7881.
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DarkMagician75 View Drop Down
Mago Nero
Mago Nero

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  Quota DarkMagician75 Quota  RispondiRispondi Link diretto a questo post Postato: 18 Marzo 2009 alle 17:15
Battle Phase

The Battle Phase is the most complex of all Yu-Gi-Oh! phases. This is the phase where the Game Mechanics can be very confusing to a beginner. This article will help readers understand the Game Mechanics of the entire Battle Phase. Examples of cards that activate in each step will be included.

This article will be beneficial to game developers and Yu-Gi-Oh! players. Game developers will understand the control flow of the Game Mechanics, while players can use each step to their advantage. For example, activating “Call of the Haunted” during Battle Phase can give it some protection by “Trap Jammer”. Another example is if you are about to battle a set “Man Eater Bug” or “Penguin Soldier”, attack the set monster with one of your monsters, then, after the Set monster is destroyed, activate “Call of the Haunted” and attack with the new monster. Using this tactic will help you avoid the nasty effect of Flip Effect Monsters from affecting the monster you’re going to Special Summon by “Call of the Haunted”.

Battle Phase Game Mechanic

Blue colored words are official words from Yu-Gi-Oh! terminology. Green colored words are automatic event that does not require player actions. Red colored words are sub-steps.

Battle Phase: You may not enter this phase if you are the starting player. If you do not to enter Battle Phase, you proceed to End Phase. You may enter this phase even if you don't have any monster in your field.
  1. Start Step:

    • Turn player declares that he/she is entering the Battle Phase.

    • Turn player has the priority to activate Spell Speed 2 here.

  2. Battle Step:

    1. Sub-step 1: Turn player has the priority to activate Spell Speed 2 here. (Example: Turn player can activate Call of the Haunted here).

    2. Sub-step 2: Decide if conducting battle. If you are NOT conducting battle, go to End Step immediately.

    3. Sub-step 3: Select and announce 1 monster to attack with, and declare 1 of your opponent's monsters your target (the monster you wish to attack).

      • Attack Response Chain. Turn player has the priority to respond with any appropriate Spell Speed 2 or 3 effect here. (This is the only chain in which cards like Mirror Force, Sakuretsu Armor, Magician's Circle, and Magic Cylinder can be activated.)

      • After the chain is completed, the Turn Player has Priority to activate any appropriate Spell Speed 2 effect or suggest a move to the Damage Step. The opponent can also activate appropriate Spell Speed 2 effects or agree to proceed to the Damage Step. (Example cards are: Book of Moon, Enemy Controller, Waboku, etc...Cards that do not have any specific activation timing.) This part can be repeated multiple times before moving into the Damage Step, but only if a player can activate appropriate cards or effects.

      • The Battle Step does not end until both players agree to move into the Damage Step.

    4. Damage Step:**1

      1. Sub-step 1: Some Trigger-Effect will activate and resolve now.

        • (Examples are "Sasuke Samurai", "Paladin of White Dragon", "Mystic Swordsman LV2", and "Mystic Swordsman LV 4").

      2. Sub-step 2: Flip target card face-up if face down.

        • Continuous Effect monster that was flipped are now Active (Examples are "Jinzo", "Goblin King", "The Agent of Force - Mars"). However, Continuous Effect that involves destroying monster(s) will not resolve until Sub-step 5.

        • Trigger Effect that activates during Damage Step activates and resolves now. (Examples are "Reflect Bounder", if attacked while in Attack Position, inflicts damage to the opponent now).

        • "Cross Counter" can be activated here.

      3. Sub-step 3: Damage Calculation part 1: Calculate damage.

        • Turn player has the priority to respond with Spell Speed 2 here.

        • The following effects can be activated, form a chain, and
          resolve now:

          • Spell Speed 2 that modifies ATK or DEF stat. (Examples are "Rush Recklessly", "Limiter Removal", Mirror Wall", "Micro Ray").

          • Effects that negate the activation of a card can be used in response. (Examples are Counter Trap Cards, and monster effects like "Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV8" and "Maryokutai").

          • Monster effects that can be activated during the Damage Step and that modify ATK or DEF. (Examples are "Injection Fairy Lily" and "Sanga of the Thunder").

          • "Disc Fighter's" effect Triggers, then after the Chain Block resolves, go immediately to Sub-step 5.

          • When "Spirit Reaper" is targeted by a card and the card resolves, "Spirit Reaper" will not be destroyed by its own effect until Sub-step 5.

      4. Sub-step 4: Damage Calculation part 2: Apply damage.

        • Inflict damage to players' Life Points.

        • Card effects that activate when a monster inflicts Battle
          Damage to a player's Life Points activate, form a chain, and resolve now. (Examples are "Don Zaloog", "Airknight Parshath", and "Robbin' Goblin").

        • "Nutrient Z" can be activated.

      5. Sub-step 5: Resolve effects.

        • From this point forward, monsters are considered "destroyed". So monsters destroyed by "Dark Ruler Ha Des" cannot activate their effects, destroyed monsters are not eligible for selection by card effects such as "Hane Hane", etc.

        • Resolve Continuous Effect that involves destroying monster(s).

        • Activate card effects that do not activate when a monster is sent to the Graveyard and resolve them now. (Examples are all Flip Effects, "Reflect Bounder", if attacked while in Attack Position, destroys itself now, "D. D. Warrior Lady", "Wall of Illusion", and the effects of "Slate Warrior" and "Royal Keeper" that increase their ATK and DEF. These effects form a chain and then resolve).

      6. Sub-step 6: Send to the Graveyard.

        • Send destroyed monsters to the Graveyard.

        • Activate effects that activate "at the end of the Damage Step" (Examples are "Legendary Jujitsu Master", "Getsu Fuhma", "Spear Dragon", and "Ryu Kokki"), as well as effects that activate when the monster is sent to the Graveyard (Examples are "Mystic Tomato", "Giant Rat", "Witch of the Black Forest", and "Sangan"). These effects form a chain and then resolve.

      7. Go back to Battle Step.

      8. End Step:

        • Turn player declares the end of his/her Battle Phase.

        • Activate effects that activate "at the end of the Battle Phase". (Examples are "Goblin Attack Force" and "Giant Orc").

        • Turn player has the priority to activate Spell Speed 2 here.


        Most of the steps in the Battle Phase are automatic and second nature to advance duelist. But for beginners, it's new, complex, and hard to understand. For example, not many duelist are aware of Battle Step Sub-step 1. If the turn player has a Set "Trap Jammer" for more than 1 turn, then they can use this sub-step to activate continuous Trap cards and don't have to worry about "Dust Tornado". Another example is pretend that the Turn Player has 2 Set "Zero Gravity", "Magical Scientist" in face-up DEF mode, and "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" in ATK mode. The Opponent has a "Labyrinth Wall" in face-up DEF mode. The Turn Player can activate "Zero Gravity" in Battle Step Sub-step 1, attack LW with MS to destroy LW, then activate the second "Zero Gravity" in the second pass on Battle Step Sub-step 1, Then attack directly with BEWD.

        It is also a misconception that when a player attacks "Slate Warrior" or "Royal Keeper", these monsters will benefit from their effect. This is incorrect. The effect of these monsters happen AFTER Damage Calculation, during Battle Step Sub-step 5.

        In addition, players can enter Battle phase even if they don't have monsters on the field, or if they are not planning to attack. This is usually done when you want to summon "Berserk Gorilla" on this turn and you don't want him to attack. To accomplish this, you enter and leave your Battle Phase to proceed to Main Phase 2. Then you summon "Berserk Gorilla" in Main Phase 2.

        Study and learn the Game Mechanic to improve your dueling skills. Surprise and intimidate your opponent on your knowledge of the game. Remember, knowledge is power.

        1.     **1 Damage Step is from Mr. Kevin Tewart's Post: http://lists.upperdeck.com/read/messages?id=1757 in the UDE's Judge's List. Mr. Kevin Tewart is the Game Developer from UDE Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG R&D Lead, Upper Deck Entertainment (26 Oct 2004).
        2.     UDE: http://www.yugioh-card.com/
        3.     Netrep™ Thread: Monster Destroyed in Damage Step other than Battle
        4.     Netrep™ Thread: Berserk Gorilla Vs. Final Attack Order
        5.     Netrep™ Thread: Set Berserk Gorilla Vs. Final Attack Order Vs. Airknight
        Special thanks to the following Netrep™ member:
        novastar for some ruling enlightenment about Continuous Effect and terminology.

        Modificato da DarkMagician75 - 19 Marzo 2009 alle 09:01
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Drago Bianco Occhi Blu
Drago Bianco Occhi Blu

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  Quota edicolante Quota  RispondiRispondi Link diretto a questo post Postato: 18 Marzo 2009 alle 17:19
…intendevo riguardo all'Onesto in particolare!
cerco/scambio   Mod dal (post) 1840 al 7881.
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DarkMagician75 View Drop Down
Mago Nero
Mago Nero

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  Quota DarkMagician75 Quota  RispondiRispondi Link diretto a questo post Postato: 18 Marzo 2009 alle 17:24
Asp che sto riformattando ...
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kibou View Drop Down
Drago Bianco Occhi Blu
Drago Bianco Occhi Blu

Iscritto dal : 22 Settembre 2004
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  Quota kibou Quota  RispondiRispondi Link diretto a questo post Postato: 18 Marzo 2009 alle 18:24
Mi sembra un po' vecchiotto il coso, no?
Nella sub-step 3 fa attivare rimozione di milimite ecc...
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kibou View Drop Down
Drago Bianco Occhi Blu
Drago Bianco Occhi Blu

Iscritto dal : 22 Settembre 2004
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  Quota kibou Quota  RispondiRispondi Link diretto a questo post Postato: 18 Marzo 2009 alle 18:46
A rileggere il documento di Schultz, su consiglio di AcidVanilla , mi pare proprio che only during "damage calculation" gli Honest vadano in una e una sola catena, mentre nelle altre sottofasi se ne possono aprire potenzialmente infinite!

Example 4: Honest Vs. Honest

Player A has “Honest” in his hand and “D.D. Warrior Lady” in Attack Position. His opponent, Player B, has “Honest” in her hand and “Blue-Eyes White Dragon” in Attack Position. Player A attacks the “Blue-Eyes White Dragon” with “D.D. Warrior Lady”. During damage calculation, he activates the effect of “Honest”. If Player B wants to activate the effect of their “Honest”, they would need to chain it. They cannot wait until after Player A’s “Honest” resolves and start another Chain, because when the current Chain finishes resolving damage will be calculated and the timing to activate the effects of cards like “Honest” will have passed.

Modificato da kibou - 18 Marzo 2009 alle 18:52
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Mago Nero
Mago Nero
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Iscritto dal : 18 Maggio 2004
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  Quota Drazhar Quota  RispondiRispondi Link diretto a questo post Postato: 18 Marzo 2009 alle 21:23
e che avevo detto io? bastava leggere quel post per chiarire ogni dubbio :)
Stop using the word "opinion" to mean that I'm not allowed to explain why you're wrong
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