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Assault on Icecrown Citadel Raid Cards

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Drago Bianco Occhi Blu
Drago Bianco Occhi Blu

Iscritto dal : 19 Novembre 2006
Da: Italy
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Posts: 11845
  Quota Sector X Quota  RispondiRispondi Link diretto a questo post Topic: Assault on Icecrown Citadel Raid Cards
    Postato: 25 Luglio 2011 alle 10:11
Official List: Assault on Icecrown Citadel Raid Cards

    Full list sorted by set number:

    Citadel Raid 39 - Arcane Shot
    Citadel Raid 40 - Multi-Shot
    Citadel Raid 41 - Steady Shot
    Citadel Raid 42 - Turn the Blade
    Citadel Raid 43 - Counterspell
    Citadel Raid 44 - Fire Blast
    Citadel Raid 45 - Fireball
    Citadel Raid 46 - Frost Nova
    Citadel Raid 47 - Frostbolt
    Citadel Raid 48 - Scorch
    Citadel Raid 49 - Sear
    Citadel Raid 50 - Whiteout
    Citadel Raid 51 - Blessed Defense
    Citadel Raid 52 - Blessing of Defense
    Citadel Raid 53 - Belssing of Trials
    Citadel Raid 54 - Hammer of Justice
    Citadel Raid 55 - Holy Light
    Citadel Raid 56 - Redemption
    Citadel Raid 57 - Vindictive Strike
    Citadel Raid 58 - Bronwyn Lightborn
    Citadel Raid 59 - Elder Achillia
    Citadel Raid 60 - Hulstom, Servant of the Light
    Citadel Raid 61 - Lady Bancroft
    Citadel Raid 62 - Madrea Bluntbrew
    Citadel Raid 63 - Olaf Steelbreaker
    Citadel Raid 64 - Petreus Roffe
    Citadel Raid 65 - Tani Bixtix
    Citadel Raid 66 - Wynnd the Spry
    Citadel Raid 67 - Claemora Amberglare
    Citadel Raid 68 - Firewarden Wyland Kaslinth
    Citadel Raid 69 - Johnny Rotten
    Citadel Raid 70 - Kuz'vin
    Citadel Raid 71 - Lifemender Dorn
    Citadel Raid 72 - Tyrennius Scatheblade
    Citadel Raid 73 - Vesh'ral
    Citadel Raid 74 - Waz'luk
    Citadel Raid 75 - Zugna, Windseer Apprentice
    Citadel Raid 76 - Brother Keltan
    Citadel Raid 77 - Commander Falstaav
    Citadel Raid 78 - Crusade Commander Entari
    Citadel Raid 79 - Crusade Engineer Spitzpatrick
    Citadel Raid 80 - Crusader Lord Dalfors
    Citadel Raid 81 - Father Gustav
    Citadel Raid 82 - Sister Colleen Tulley
    Citadel Raid 83 - Veteran Crusader Aliocha Segard
    Citadel Raid 84 - Establishing New Outposts
    Citadel Raid 85 - Bolstering Our Defenses
    Citadel Raid 86 - Enemies, Old and New
    Citadel Raid 87 - Apply This Twice a Day
    Citadel Raid 88 - Death's Gaze
    Citadel Raid 89 - Proving Grounds
    Citadel Raid 90 - Rise and Be Recongnized
    Citadel Raid 91 - A Tale of Valor
    Citadel Raid 92 - Tirion's Gambit
    Citadel Raid 93 - Your Fortune Awaits You

Sorted by set

Heroes of Azeroth:
Citadel Raid 39 - Arcane Shot
Citadel Raid 40 - Multi-Shot
Citadel Raid 43 - Counterspell
Citadel Raid 44 - Fire Blast
Citadel Raid 45 - Fireball
Citadel Raid 46 - Frost Nova
Citadel Raid 47 - Frostbolt
Citadel Raid 54 - Hammer of Justice
Citadel Raid 73 - Vesh'ral
Citadel Raid 93 - Your Fortune Awaits You

Dark Portal:
Citadel Raid 48 - Scorch
Citadel Raid 74 - Waz'luk

Fires of Outland:
Citadel Raid 56 - Redemption

March of the Legion:
Citadel Raid 72 - Tyrennius Scatheblade

Drums of War:
Citadel Raid 42 - Turn the Blade
Citadel Raid 53 - Belssing of Trials
Citadel Raid 69 - Johnny Rotten
Citadel Raid 71 - Lifemender Dorn
Citadel Raid 84 - Establishing New Outposts
Citadel Raid 85 - Bolstering Our Defenses
Citadel Raid 86 - Enemies, Old and New

Blood of Gladiators:
Citadel Raid 49 - Sear
Citadel Raid 59 - Elder Achillia
Citadel Raid 66 - Wynnd the Spry

Fields of Honor:
Citadel Raid 51 - Blessed Defense
Citadel Raid 89 - Proving Grounds
Citadel Raid 90 - Rise and Be Recongnized

Citadel Raid 57 - Vindictive Strike
Citadel Raid 60 - Hulstom, Servant of the Light
Citadel Raid 63 - Olaf Steelbreaker
Citadel Raid 64 - Petreus Roffe
Citadel Raid 67 - Claemora Amberglare
Citadel Raid 68 - Firewarden Wyland Kaslinth
Citadel Raid 88 - Death's Gaze

Citadel Raid 61 - Lady Bancroft
Citadel Raid 75 - Zugna, Windseer Apprentice
Citadel Raid 76 - Brother Keltan
Citadel Raid 77 - Commander Falstaav
Citadel Raid 78 - Crusade Commander Entari
Citadel Raid 79 - Crusade Engineer Spitzpatrick
Citadel Raid 80 - Crusader Lord Dalfors
Citadel Raid 81 - Father Gustav
Citadel Raid 82 - Sister Colleen Tulley
Citadel Raid 83 - Veteran Crusader Aliocha Segard
Citadel Raid 87 - Apply This Twice a Day
Citadel Raid 91 - A Tale of Valor

Citadel Raid 50 - Whiteout
Citadel Raid 58 - Bronwyn Lightborn
Citadel Raid 62 - Madrea Bluntbrew
Citadel Raid 65 - Tani Bixtix
Citadel Raid 70 - Kuz'vin
Citadel Raid 92 - Tirion's Gambit

Citadel Raid 41 - Steady Shot
Citadel Raid 52 - Blessing of Defense
Citadel Raid 55 - Holy Light
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Drago Bianco Occhi Blu
Drago Bianco Occhi Blu
Scrap Evil Mastermind - Judge

Iscritto dal : 22 Novembre 2005
Da: Ironforge
Status: Offline
Posts: 10546
  Quota E-Horus Quota  RispondiRispondi Link diretto a questo post Postato: 25 Luglio 2011 alle 10:17
scusa un'attimo ma non era già uscito il raid di icc?
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Drago Bianco Occhi Blu
Drago Bianco Occhi Blu

Iscritto dal : 19 Novembre 2006
Da: Italy
Status: Offline
Posts: 11845
  Quota Sector X Quota  RispondiRispondi Link diretto a questo post Postato: 25 Luglio 2011 alle 10:21
si, ho trovato la lista con tutte le ristampe e mi sembrava utile metterla in evidenza.
queste sono solo le carte del raid ovviamente; nel treasure erano tutte nuove quindi le liste si trovano ovunque e mi è sembrato inutile metterle.
Allergico ai cani?
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Drago Bianco Occhi Blu
Drago Bianco Occhi Blu
Scrap Evil Mastermind - Judge

Iscritto dal : 22 Novembre 2005
Da: Ironforge
Status: Offline
Posts: 10546
  Quota E-Horus Quota  RispondiRispondi Link diretto a questo post Postato: 25 Luglio 2011 alle 10:24
ok infatti mmi sembrava lo avessero già fatto
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